SmartCities Barcelone
November 2018
The SmartCities, a concept ?
The concept of the SmartCities is not just about using the technology into a city but is part of a real dynamic of the cities to move towards a sustainable city to partially address climate change. The SmartCity seeks to reconcile the social, cultural and environmental pillars to meet the needs of institutions, business and citizens.
The concept wants also to respond to the elements as mobility, the tendency of the population to be concentrated in large urban centers, the aging of the population, ...
It is therefore not surprising that the cities like New York, Chicago or Dubai were present in Barcelona to present their current approaches to move towards the concept.
The fields of action are thus extended, we can retain the main ones like :
The mobility
The security
The ecology
The communication
It is obvious that the new technology are an integral part of this movement which should be operational according to experts in the coming years, we are talking about 2020.
We have been able to identify many interesting technologies as IoT allowing applications such as smart lighting, oil level in connected tanks, ... but also known technologies that can help move towards this concept such as mobile applications and integrated software.
What about BHC in all of this?
Integrator of business management software (ERP Odoo), BHC has identified interesting possibilities in cities and towns! Indeed, today a municipality faces the same difficulties as a company to know multiplication of software to manage different services, citizen requests, .... This lack of software integration does not allow to have a view of overall management of the municipality. The different modules Odoo (Purchasing, Stocks, Production, Interventions,...) could therefore represent a real solution for the cities.
We are also convinced that our mobile department (MyOdoo), will be able to meet the expectations of the municipal agents (intervention management) and the citizens in order to simplify the steps to be taken towards the municipality (declaration of an incident, request for a document, ...).
Finally, recently BHC and Proximus Enco have demonstrated the ease of the integration between IoT and Lora sensors in a management software as Odoo (cf. Article IoT in Odoo).
Imagine, therefore, a software able to manage citizen requests, the complete management of the municipality (Purchase, Stock, speech, Budget,...) but also an IoT integration and you have a product that meets the criteria of a « Smart City ».
BHC will keep you soon informed about the evolution of this reflection but we already can give you an appointment at the "Salon des Mandataires" in February 2018 (8th and 9th February 2018 at the Wex of Marchen-Famenne) to perhaps discover a revolutionary software... to be continued!